Spot the Difference Competition Winner
We’re delighted to announce our Competition Winner in our Spot the Difference challenge.
Susan Redshaw from Laughton in East Sussex is the winner of a brand new Mini iPad.
We had a huge response with hundreds of people looking in on the competition page and the two photographs that were ever-so-slightly different.
The competition was so popular that we’ll be running another one in the near future.
Those that were able to spot all five differences were entered into the draw, which took place on Wednesday afternoon.
Five Differences
To confirm the five differences, there is a red strap missing from the sailors lifejacket, a window missing from the lighthouse, an ariel missing on the top of the boat, the CountyClean, writing missing from the side of the IBC, and a rail missing from the guard rail on the side of the boat.
Well done to all of you who got it right and please keep in touch for our next competition coming soon.