Dealing With Floods In The South

Dealing With Floods In The South

How To Deal With Floods In The South

Here’s what we’ll use to help you clean up following floods in the South.

In recent weeks there has been significant rainfall, with the UK experiencing twice the average amount of rain since records began. Once the flood-waters subside there will be a huge clear-up operation required to restore properties for businesses and domestic customers.

There will be problems with surface water, blocked drains and gullies, flooded basements with pollutants and sewage spread over large areas.

CountyClean specialise in the removal of floods and spills. They are licensed and accredited and have trained and qualified technicians with the latest equipment.

Capable of recycling and using the reclaimed water under high pressure for jetting, their Kroll Recycler can be supported by our dedicated CCTV Drain Survey Division to provide full support in a flood or spill emergency.

CountyClean recognised growth in the economy at an early stage and invested in their Kroll Recycler to provide a faster response to customers.

The company has recently made significant investment in a range of high-tech equipment, including new tankers and additional CCTV drain survey equipment with the latest WinCAN v8 software and has expanded its operations to provide liquid waste collection and disposal services across London and the South East.

Our helpful team can provide advice and support whenever you need us with a dedicated customer service team available 24 hours a day.

You’ll be able to talk with a real person when you ring our free phone number 0800 171 2204.

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Our teams are available 24 hours a day – every day. We will work with you to understand what you need and help you find the best solution for your business or home.