Boxing in Aid of Cancer Research UK

Boxing in Aid of Cancer Research UK

On the 6th April 2019, CountyClean Group’s very own Pumps Engineer, Nathan Douch will be taking to the boxing ring for the second time in aid of Cancer Research UK.

CountyClean Group are proudly sponsoring Nathan for this Eastbourne White Collar Boxing Event which is taking place at the Eastbourne Sports Park from 5pm. Nathan’s fundraising page can be donated to here and tickets for the event can also be bought through this link.

Nathan wanted to box again due to the accomplishment of his previous win in the ring as well as his fundraising success and had a few words to say on his decision to start participating in boxing events, he said; “These last couple of years I’ve aimed to do more for charity and these events are great for fundraising towards fighting diseases like cancer which I’m sure has affected most people one way or another.

Boxing in Aid of Cancer Research UK

The turning point for me was a good friend of mine being diagnosed with sarcoma cancer in his brain. Last year he had to travel to Jacksonville USA to undergo three months of proton beam therapy to treat it. Three days before he left I signed up to take part in last year’s winter event. I felt like it was my duty as a close friend to raise money so that this kind of treatment is available in the UK. A year on from his treatment, proton beam therapy is now available in the UK which is a huge step towards fighting sarcoma cancer.

I’ve been casually boxing for about three years but never taken it too seriously so I knew the task ahead of me was huge. The training and goal of competing has been the drive I needed to take this sport and hobby to the next level.”

The training in the build up to fight night includes; 200 reps each of push ups, sit ups and squats. These are done in five sets of 20 twice a day between rounds of shadow boxing with handheld weights. Alongside this, Nathan also skips for 30 minutes a day. His week consists of sparring four sessions a week and technique and conditioning training another three sessions a week.

Boxing in Aid of Cancer Research UK

Nathan also commented: “The training is intense yet so rewarding. Getting into the routine of spending almost all my free time in training or the gym was tough to begin with but at the same time feels so rewarding. I’m always striving to be fitter and better than I was the previous week which is a great confidence boost and the results are fantastic both mentally and physically.

It’s very demanding but every time I want to cut short on the sessions I remind myself why I’m doing this and the good feeling that comes with doing something for a charitable clause that’s close to my heart.

Boxing in Aid of Cancer Research UK

Donations to my fundraising are very much appreciated and I can’t thank CountyClean Group enough for their sponsorship and donation towards this event – I’m truly honoured to be representing them on fight night and hope I can return to work with another win to my name!

I hope to inspire others to take up challenges like this, three years ago I never thought I’d ever box in front of my family, friends and many others but I enjoyed it so much the first time I’ve come back for more!”

Nathan’s fundraising page can be generously donated to here, all donations are very much appreciated and go straight to Cancer Research UK.

Finally, CountyClean Group is very proud to be sponsoring Nathan for such a great cause and wish him the very best of luck for the event!

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